Oh my. Posts are few and far between because this life is BUSY! I wish I had more energy to write. I wish I had more time to write. I think of things to write about almost daily. But...husband in law school, a 4 year old, an 8 month old, and of course it would help if I had my own computer...excuses, yes, but good ones. So I write when I can, and I wish it was more.
So...some important things:
1. Evie cut her first tooth! And it was hard for everyone. She was so cranky these past few weeks. But now she's happy. Until the next tooth. The front bottom right tooth has arrived. I can't believe it. This does indicate that time is truly flying by.
2. Evie is up on all fours! She spends a lot of time of her tummy excitedly moving her arms and legs in and out...much like a pollywog swimming. But in the past few days, she's done a few push-ups with tummy off the floor and then up on her knees. Crawling is next!
3. Amelia decided, on what seemed to be the last weekend of summer, to swim. I mean really swim. Goggles on, held her breath, went all the way under and paddled...until she was swimming almost half-way across the width of the pool. Just like everything else in her life, she just decided that it was time. She was ready. And now she swims. It was awesome. A really proud moment.
4. Amelia has an exaggeration number. 120
5. Evie is falling asleep on her own these days. She welcomes her bed and I am so grateful. Maybe it really is a little easier the second time around?
6. Amelia and I have started reading the Laura Ingalls Wilder books. I actually have the book series from my childhood. She LOVES listening to them. Her first chapter books. I have to admit...I love the influence these little girls and the way they lived are having on her already.
7. Evie LOVES herself some puffs. I mean she can eat some puffs. She's currently 75/25 as to what she actually gets in her mouth and what ends up elsewhere...floor, under her butt, stuck to her cheek...
8. Amelia attended her pre-school open-house tonight. Excited for year 2 of pre-school! Ford and I laughed at how much different it feels this year....for all of us it seems. We were all a little nervous at last year's open-house. This year? No chance. She acted like the senior of the school.
9. Life is busy and full and hectic and at times stressful and going by much too fast. And I love my girls.