Friday, November 19, 2010

My Neighbor

It has been a long week...wait...a long few months of illness around this house. Seems pre-school has introduced us to several new viruses and Miss Amelia has caught them all. The latest...she was home with me this whole week trying to lick a sinus infection. So sad. Especially sad in the mornings when she would wake up, eyes crusted with green gook, hoarse voice, stuffed up nose, cough and a warm forehead. Every morning, she'd crawl into our bed to snuggle, and cough, and cough some more...
Yesterday Ford was up getting ready for work and school while she and I snuggled. Since we were both awake, he came in before he left to say goodbye and give her a kiss. It was still fairly dark, but of course Amelia, regardless of her feverish, stuffed up and so sad state, noticed what he was wearing...khaki pants, a white button-down shirt and a gray cardigan sweater.
She quietly said, "Goodbye, Dad" and then as he walked away, she very seriously whispered to me...
"Mom, do you think Dad's friends and teachers will think he's Mr. Rogers?"

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