Friday, January 27, 2012


Sometimes the sweetness can be overwhelming.

Our bedtime routine includes standing in front of the crib holding Evie and swaying gently back and forth in the quiet, darkened room to soft music. She takes this as her cue to settle in and get snugly. Her own routine involves adjusting her lovey upon my shoulder (or Ford's), laying her head down on my shoulder, and often patting my arm while she starts to doze. Tonight she did her normal routine and I had one of those moments where I felt extra happy and grateful just to be holding her, feeling her little hand pat my shoulder and listening to her soft breathing and sucky sounds. I spent a few seconds trying to ingrain that feeling into my brain...knowing this stuff doesn't last forever. I whispered "night night sweet baby, I love you...can mommy have a kiss?" She picked up her head, smiled behind her sucky and giggled softly. She nodded her head as if to say, 'Sure Mama, you can have a kiss.' Then she leaned in and I kissed her soft cheek, she turned her head away without a sound and laid back down on the lovey, upon my shoulder...and went to sleep.

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