Please read from the bottom up to get all of the information. The first post chronologically is last on this page or on subsequent pages.
After a Collodian is diagnosed it is important to help the child shed that outer covering. This process is encouraged in a warm, moist environment. The incubator that Amelia is currently in can reach a humidity of 98 or 99 percent. Amelia's skin is also being treated with an ointment called Aquafor, and her eyes receive a small amount of gel to prevent them from drying. All of this helps the collodial membrane to begin dissipating, and allows the new, pink skin underneath to be revealed. This is a painfree process for Amelia. In fact she is acting just like any other 3 day old infant, sleeping lots, fussing sometimes, giving us some smiles, opening her big eyes, and eating like crazy.
There is often times, but not always, an underlying skin condition with collodial babies called Ichthyosis. And once again, there are multiple forms of Ichthyosis (close to 30), and each form can appear with varying degree. It will not even be able to be determined if Amelia has ichthyosis until she is 2 or 3 months. Until then she will just have her new, pink skin. However, we have received much reassurance from the dermatologist that if Amelia does appear to have Ichthyosis (because it is possible that she doesn't), it will manifest itself as one of two varieties. Neither of these varieties are life-threatening, physically deforming, mentally altering, etc. They are simply surface skin conditions, much like psoraisis or eczema, that would need to be maintained with a regimen of baths, lotions, or medication. And again they could be as moderate as knee and elbow flakes, or possibly cover a little more of her body. But this may not be determined until she is a year or more old. These varieties don't affect her ability to learn, physically develop, or alter her life-span. Again, IF the Ichthyosis is there it is simply going to manifest itself as a surface condition that can be maintained throughout her life.
Right now she is a healthy, happy little baby and we are enjoying her as such. She is not in pain and is not expected to be. Her I.V. was removed today because her fluid and mineral levels are great. Her blood work was perfect. Right now we are expecting her to be in the humidifier at the hospital for about two weeks. This will give her skin plenty of time to heal in the warm, moist air. The doctors, nurses, and staff at the hospital have been amazing with Kim and I. Everybody around here loves, loves, loves her and thinks she is absolutely beautiful, which of course she is. :)
Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers in the coming weeks. Right now we're praying for her healing. We can feel the support already. We also appreciate you relying on us for your flow of information about her condition and not delving into the vast and often times unapplicable world of the internet.
All the Best and All our Love-
Ford and Kim
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