Praise God! Healing happens! God has blessed us and we are so very thankful. Our hearts are overflowing!! She's healed, just look at her!
Let me start by extending my warmest and most heartfelt thank you to EVERYONE who prays for Amelia. The incredible outpouring of love and support has been nothing short of amazing and wonderful. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
We went to Amelia's dermatologist appointment this morning. Dr. Mike Smith and two resident interns came in to see her. He took one look at her and said "Wow, she looks great." I showed him her tummy, back and neck. He said, "Yup, she's still peeling." He went on to say that at this point he can rule out any of the major types of Ichthyosis associated with the Colloidion membrane (Lamellars, CIE, X- linked, Nethertins, etc.). These types would have shown characteristics by now, on her legs, or red patchy skin, etc. She would have been getting worse over the course of these past few months, not better...and she just keeps getting better! He saw no reason to do a biopsy, just as Ford predicted. :) He told us that IF anything at this point, she could show signs of having Ichthyiosis Vulgaris between 6-12 months of age, this is usually late onset and can be associated with a Colloidion baby or not. But basically she looks so great that he couldn't even say that with any certainty. (This would basically mean some dry skin or a few patches of Atopic Dermatitis- eczema, very minor and very treatable). He said she's on the road to normal looking/acting skin. Music to our ears. He even said he does not need to see her again!
So, medically speaking, she falls into the small percentage of a transient peeling Colloidion baby with no underlying skin condition. This basically means she peeled again (in certain areas) after leaving the hospital and the skin underneath will be normal in the days to come. No one knows why some babies have a Colloidion membrane and nothing else. He could not even tell us if it is a genetic issue. (Ichthyosis is a genetic issue). He gave us the number of a geneticist at Vanderbilt if we should have any further questions, said, "she's pretty cool," shook our hands and said "nice to meet you." Wow, it was like a dream!
A huge weight has been lifted today. The Lord has blessed us and has blessed her with His gift of healing. He IS the Great Physician. There is no doubt in my mind that He has healed her. She is proof that healing happens, that all things work together for good for those who love Him, and that nothing is too big or too small for Him. I have also learned that this does not mean that He does not allow suffering, or that He keeps bad things from happening to good people, or that He will always answer our prayers on our timing. He has a plan for Amelia, He has all along, just as He has a plan for all of us. Through this I can say with certainty that He wants to bless us, and he wants us to trust Him through the worst of days and the best of days. Today was the best of days, and I am forever grateful.
Love to you all.
Kim, Ford and AMELIA
YAY AMELIA!!!!!!!!! You are a miracle!
We all love you and can't wait for you to come visit us on Mackinac Island!
From, The Main Street Inn Crew
Thank the good Lord! I was so happy to hear the great news and give glory to God.
All our love!
Mo & Crew
Congratulations! You have made our day over here!!!
I am so happy for all of you for Amelia's healing. My 1st grandchild, a son was born 2 weeks ago as a Collodian Baby. Our family, along with our church and others have been praying for his healing. The waiting is painful but through your blog I know I must continue to maintain a peace. I will continue to keep reading, so please keep posting!
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