Friday, September 21, 2007

Big Girl!

Big day today! 6 week pediatrician appointment. She got 2 shots, one in each leg. So sad, she cried so hard. :( She weighed in at 12 lbs 13 0z and 23 1/4 inches long! She's is 90th percentile for height and 80th for head circumference. As far as weight, well, she's not even on the curve! She flew right off of it! She is growing like a WEED! The pediatrician said she is a healthy girl all in all. At six weeks, her eye sight is really developing and he talked about visually stimulating her as much as possible. She has really been engaging in eye contact and she smiles socially all the time now, but like Michelle said to me yesterday "she's been smiling her whole life," it's true really. It's the best when she wakes up happy and I go to get from her crib and she breaks out into a "hi mama, I'm so happy to see you" grin. What a way to start the day. :)
We also talked about sleeping habits. It's amazing how this little being can rule the day! She is not so much a fan of sleeping anywhere but on someone or in the Bjorn during the day. However, at night, she's actually cool with her crib. She usually sleeps 5-7 hour stretches at night, last night being one of them. Thank God for this because it was just she and I all day again since Ford worked and went to the Bob Dylan concert at the Ryman (for you Dylan fans out there...Ford used words like "monumental" and "best ever" and "amazing" to describe this concert experience, he said he could even understand the words :) and he recommends catching this tour if you can). Anyway, on the 8th try I was able to finally get her to stay asleep in her crib, wow, a long one.
It's Friday, and Ford is home today and has encouraged me to get out of the house for a while, so here I am blogging...hmmmm.
I will end with a little cuteness involving Amelia's 4 year old cousin Christopher who lives in Michigan. He loves her, he loves her sooo much, I can hardly stand the cuteness. He was here in Nashville when she was born, he got to see her briefly and held her only once and then didn't get to see her again since she was whisked off to the NICU where kids are not allowed to visit. Despite the circumstances, a strong bond formed and she has been on his mind ever since. He sends her mail weekly, usually Michelle doesn't even know what he has put into the envelope before he seals it up. He also sends her regular e-mails which he dictates to Michelle which she in turn types verbatim. In his e-mails he tells her of all the wonderful things they'll do together when he sees her again and how much he loves and misses her. "We will play guys and Play Station...and we will make a fort in the woods and I will protect you so you won't get hurt or anything."
He has not been too excited about going to school these days and after a rough morning on Wednesday, his teacher told him he could bring something from home to keep at school that he could look at any time to make him feel better. Guess what he chose? "I know just the thing, Mom..." Yes, it was a picture of Amelia. Today was show and tell and he was told he could bring in something starting with the letter "A." Guess what he wanted to bring? Yes, again, a picture of Amelia.
Buddies for life.
Love it.
God bless,
Kim, Ford and Amelia
p.s. It's official, I've gotten word, after the last blog involving Little House, that I have officially gone off the deep end...

1 comment:

Anna Rose said...

Kim, I just showed these pictures to Delphena. She called Amelia a "peach." Good one. Peaches.