Today is Saturday. Amelia was quite a sleeper last night! She fell asleep around 9:30 pm and when I woke up at 3:30 am, she was still asleep. I actually had to wake her to eat. Then she slept until 7:30 am. Nice work. Ford got up then too. "Are you getting up already?" I asked him. He replied, "It's Saturday, I love Saturdays, the possibilities are endless." He went on,"Saturdays are like taking a trip to Home Depot." He has a theory that men love to go to Home Depot, even when they don't need anything, because of the potential there. It's a vast and seemingly endless warehouse of potential, of things to dream up and build. Interesting theory, yes? Leave it to Ford to find the deep underlying meaning in a trip to Home Depot.
Possibilities and potential, if you think of them in the positive light they are two very nice words for the day I think.
(Especially considering Michigan plays today. Check out Amelia's onesie in the pictures, you can see she's hyped up for the game).
I have to admit, I cling to words like this these days, especially when a doctor speaks them to us. It's very easy to go the other way in your mind however, "it's possible that she has an underlying skin disorder" for example. And since we are in this waiting period, the thoughts tend to go back and forth from the positive and reassuring thoughts of healing to the scary anxiety ridden thoughts that she may have a condition. It's a loss of control, and feeling of helplessness.
So, we turn to prayer day after day. Trust is hard considering our own understanding takes us only so far. That is why we have faith. Where would we be without it? With faith the possibilities and potential are endless...
So, again, complete healing...and for all of those who ask me what I'd like you to pray for specifically...please pray for the areas of skin on her body that aren't quite "normal" looking: her back, sides, abdomen and neck. We are helping these areas along with regular soaks in the tub and lots of Aquaphor but it sure would be nice if these areas cleared up and stayed clear, especially before her next appointment. And that the rest of her stays clear and beautiful of course! Amen.
Love you all, happy Saturday.
I agree with Ford - I use the same reasoning to explain my excitement about going to Jo-Ann Fabrics; Lowe's too, of course!
She is absolutely beautiful - we love you all.
Dearest Kimmy and Ford,
As I read your Saturday posting on moving back and forth from positive and reassuring thoughts to anxiety-ridden ones, I felt compelled to share a prayer I often depend on in my own life. It is the prayer Be At Peace by Saint Francis De Sales:
"Do not look forward in fear to the changes in life; rather look to them with full hope that as they arise, God, whose very own you are, will lead you safely through all things; and when you cannot stand it, God will carry you in His arms.
Do not fear what may happen tomorrow; the same understanding Father who cares for you today will take care of you then and every day.
He will either shield you from suffering or will give you unfailing strength to bear it.
Be at peace then, and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations."
I love and pray for your precious family,
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